Guiders Influence

>>  Monday, December 27, 2010

I have been contemplating Guiders (they are the Ladies running the Guide, Brownie and Rainbow Units) and because of being away with them recently mainly Guide Guiders.

I was thinking about the school gate mum bitches in their latest fashions with their fashion conscious kids so aware of how many calories are in a mocha frescata.

I was thinking about the pressures on the young teenagers to conform, to look good, to be cool, to achieve, to have the latest (insert fashion/gadget/phone/music/...)

Guiding creates a space for girls where they can just be who they are....girls.

The Guiders are the coolest women around. They are all shapes and sizes, all ages, all different personalities but when in the Guiding environment (and often beyond) they have that same thing that just shines through. I find it hard to put my finger on it, I believe mainly it comes from our core Promise and Law and true belief in it.

There is no pretence in our looks. We take pride in our appearance but also accept that sometimes it is OK to go to breakfast in our PJs the same as the girls. That a shiny makeup free face is the right way to look when about to go rafting. We demonstrate that no matter what our size we celebrate who we are. We believe in healthy bodies and minds.

We share duties, we enjoy being together and doing stuff together. We show the girls team work and getting on together as friends even though there is a massive mix of personalities.

We join in and have fun. We are simply taking part, we are not 'bigging up' our part or seeking attention, we are just having a lot of fun.

In this environment the girls seem to worry less about social pressures they just start to be who they are and get on with the best bit : Having a ball!

We all sing, shout, climb, laugh, dance, swing and just have a great time. Oh, unless someone doesn't want to do a part of it and that is OK too, because they is no pressure to perform or achieve. We simply want us all to grow and develop as individuals in the most supportive environment we can give.

Guiders are the salt of the earth, that is why we aren't barbie dolls, we know what is important in life and have a great time getting down to it!

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