Joys of Long Haul

>>  Wednesday, November 03, 2010

This weeks Gallery is 'Show me the Funny'.

This photo never fails to give me a chuckle, I said to them at Dubai 'go on, look fed up'!

We do a lot of long haul travel.  In 8 years COG has flown UK to Australia 6 times.  I've been 7 times and with  HWMBO we've lost count!

There is only one way to deal with long haul cattle class and that is to have endless patience and a sense of humour.

She has a lovely sense of fun, even in the most trying of places and it rubs off on us all!! 

The air stewards tend to dote on her and what amazes me is that she spent time in a plane cockpit even after 9/11 - she must look trust worthy!!!

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