Smiles across the Miles
>> Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I've had a dose of tonsillitis for the past week, bad enough to keep me off work and I've been feeling rather sorry for myself.
And then a parcel arrived that cheered me up beyond measure. I bought some cards for Creatively Fighting Cancer and they are really really nice, hand made and ooozing graceful quality which as Patrick Nice would say 'Was Nice'. (So go bag yourself some!)
But it goes one better - I got beads, not just any beads ...these beads. Beads from Mardi Gras Alabama.
DustBunnyHostage wouldn't have had any idea that this would alter the course of my day and that I would be swinging around the house singing Sweet Home Alabama instead of shuffling around saying 'I hate work"
So is there a point coming ?...yes....the immeasurable joy you can give without knowing it. When you smile at the person in the street, you might have been the first of the day. When you hold the door open for someone you might make them feel good.
We now enter the season of Lent, it isn't just about self denial, it is also about giving time or love to others, helping them and sharing the love of Jesus.
It is amazing what a massive difference a small kind act can make.