Guiding Light Poem

>>  Wednesday, February 22, 2017



            When you first come into Guiding
You will feel a spark ignite
And from then on it’s up to you
To grow your Guiding Light

If you are a Happy Rainbow
Your Guiding Light will glow
And each time you’re kind and helpful
Your light will grow and grow

If you’re a friendly Brownie
Doing Good Turns every day
Your Guiding Light will brighten....
All you do, in every way

If you’re a helpful Guide
Keeping every Girl Guide Law
Your Guiding Light will grow much stronger
And support you more and more

If you reach the Senior Section
Looking Wider every day
Your Guiding Light will guide you
As you journey on your way

If you are now a Leader
Then your Guiding Light will be
The light you shine on others
To share the vision that you see

You shine it bright for Rainbows
To find their Pot of Gold
You shine it bright for Brownies
Adventures to unfold

You shine it bright for Guides
To ‘Go For It ‘and grow
You shine it bright for Senior Section
To guide them to and fro

You shine it bright for other Leaders
To kindle friendships old and new                                                 
And you shine it bright just for yourself
To show your Guiding’s true

Now last of all the Trefoil Guild
The ones who Guide forever
They shine their light for everyone
They volunteer together

But they no longer hold a candle
For they’re just in it for the ‘Lark’
And they’ve been Guiding for so long
That they just ‘Glow in the Dark’

© Chris Daniels, South Bedfordshire Guide Leader - with permission to reproduce from Facebook January 2016    Written for Centenary Celebrations in 2010


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