Kitting up for an International Guiding Adventure

>>  Saturday, March 23, 2013

We are still bag packing, coffee morninging(!), cake selling and all plethora of other things to fun raise for the international trip in the summer but the need to start kitting up has come.


We have been donated 8 cotton sleeping bags by SubZero. Brilliant online shop, HWMBO had his thermal gear from them when he went to the Ice Hotel in the Arctic Circle.  If you want to survive a winter camp with warm toes they are the people to go to. 

These sleeping bag liners are perfect for summer sleeping bags for a hostel.  We know will have our own clean bedding no matter where we stay yet they weigh in at only 300g.  Perfect peace of mind in the bottom of the rucksack.  (They sell those too!) 'We' is being used in the widest sense of the word as you all know, I am no longer travelling with them.

The  badges have arrived.

The company I used to do the badges, hoodies, polos and t-shirts was absolutely fantastic.  B-BE Clothing.  Doug went out of his way to help me get our design into a format that would work as a badge, embroidered clothes logo and a big print design with the team's names for the back. 

Initially I was worried, I chose them because their prices were so low and wondered if this was a wise move.  Yes, it was!

They were fantastic and everything is a really good quality.  My zoodie has already been through the wash it went in with the whites by mistake thanks to COG who grabbed it in with a pile of washing there was no colour run, no shrinkage - no problem lucky COG.


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