Birmingham Christmas Market
>> Monday, January 09, 2017
So if you plan to go to the largest German Christmas Market in Europe outside of Germany and Austria 2 days before Christmas and not be in an unbearable crowd then you need to be up early.
The sun was still rising whilst we were on the train.
The market was quiet having only just opened, the weather was crisp and clear, the gluhwein was gently warming in many wooden huts, trees twinkled, carollers carolled.
We wandered happily among the little wooden huts selling food, crafts, bits and bobs.
Now if you can just close your eyes and imagine it all that would be good, as I appear not to have taken a single photo of any of it!! I guess we were just in the moment enjoying it, and that really is the way life should be.
We overheard a lady asking the way to the ice rink, so we followed the instructions given too. With our usual luck there was no queue, in fact we were totally confused at the route in because of the lack of people to follow!
Birmingham is far north enough to be able to talk to strangers around you without people thinking you 'have been let out for a day', so it was nice to have a sit and a chat with other bystanders.
Cog had a ball.
There has been some heavy investment in Birmingham city centre and it is still being developed.
There is a lot of good shopping, good restaurants, good theatres and arenas. It is worth a visit and with the station completely central it is an easy day out...
...unless you are there 2 days before Christmas.
We went on the wheel and then disappeared into the quietest Starbucks I know around there. Considering it is no more than 100 yards from here, it always amazes me how empty it is (and clean and warm)
We wandered back through the market, and as we got closer and closer to the Bullring, the crowds got thicker and thicker until we were quite sure we had no business being there!
We had a wander around the station shopping and caught an early afternoon train home.
Seeing the hoards getting off the train we were reassured we had made a sterling decision.
A grand morning out start to finish.
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